Site icon Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement

Community Input Requested: Reimagining the Pedestrian Plaza (Broad & College Street)

On October 2, 2017, the AADM hosted a town hall discussion at Athens Clarke County Library to advocate for the removal of the confederate monument on Broad Street and to get public feedback. To read 2017 open letter to the Athens Clarke County Mayor and Commission click here  and for more info review the article below.
Red and Black Article: Division on Broad Street: Confederate monument in the heart of Athens stirs controversy by Charlotte Norsworthy | Senior Staff Writer Aug 24, 2017. Click here to read the full article…
On June 25th, Athens Clarke County Mayor and Commission finally approved the removal of the Soldiers’ Confederate Monument on Broad Street. Now the AADM will continue to advocate for racial justices by demanding that the monument be replaced with symbolism that honors the black community (on broad and the new college square). You can support this movement by filling out the form below and by contacting  Athens Clarke County Mayor and Commission.
On August 10, 2020 the monument was removed and will be relocated to a site off of Macon Highway. The section of Broad and the intersection of College near where it stood is being dubbed the ‘Pedestrian Plaza’ and will be redesigned by the Athens’ government in the coming years. This is your opportunity to submit input regarding what you’d like to see included there instead and how to make it inclusive to the Athens Black community.

In the meantime please provide your feedback:

Do you want to be notified about follow-up discussions and meetings?

Across from the Arch from Dr. Taylor Cole Miller on Vimeo.

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