Site icon Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement

Women Empowerment Brunch: Breaking Racial Barriers

It’s Time For a Real Conversation.

Join Mokah-Jasmine Johnson for a real conversation and women empowerment brunch at Cine 243 Washington Street. Athens, Ga

Attendees will have an opportunity to relax and speak their truth; identify their own biases and have a difficult, but needed conversation about women +racism in a safe space.

The question is can women become true ally’s and build a sisterhood across color-lines? The goal is to break racial barriers and encourage women to stand in unity in the name equity and justice.

Mindfulness Session
Short movie and discussion
Group activity

If you choose to attend this event. Be prepared to keep it real, get uncomfortable and be empowered. The facilitator, Mokah-Jasmine Johnson expects all attendees to be open and honest. Thank you to our sponsors Cine and the AADM. Please click HERE TO RSVP. Limited space is available.

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