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Support Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement 2018 Demands

AADM seeks radical transformation and for the first time releases a list of demands that will address racism and discrimination, police misconduct against minorities, and help to improve economic gaps and social injustices for marginalized groups, while working towards creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community.

Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement 2018 (five) Platform Demands include:

Would you like to formally endorse and have your organization name listed on the website?

Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement created this platform as a way to hold elected officials accountable. AADM will intervene with any policies and agendas that negatively impact or exclude the Black, LatinX, LGBTQ community, or anyone who may have been discriminated against based on one’s personal biases or ignorance. AADM’s goal is to create a more equitable community where black and brown people feel welcomed and EVERYONE can prosper.

Thus to assist in improving and addressing these ongoing issues, AADM  have also created four distinct programs which include: End School to Prison Pipeline, Athens Black Market and Business Network, Civil Rights and Racial Justice Advocacy; Education and Training for Change. Through education, advocacy, and radical intervention,  AADM will fight back against discrimination, and campaign against policies that infringe on citizens civil rights; push back against police misconduct and mass incarceration, policies, and taxation that hinder the growth and development of minorities, underserved, and poverty-stricken communities.

To learn more about AADM 2018 platform demands, recommendations, and in-house programs designed to directly address the marginalization of African-Americans and the Latino community, please attend AADM next monthly meeting, February 13th, 2018, 6 pm at Athens Clarke County Library.

Take Action! Also, ask your friends to support these demands?

Endorsing as an organization or individual means you give permission to be listed publicly as an endorsing organization or individual. Endorsing as an individual means you will be added to AADM communication list, but your personal information will not be made publicly available. If you do not want you name or comment listed please state that in your comment.

For more information, please email

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