Poverty and Racism Forum and Oxfam Hunger Banquet


The Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement will host a community poverty simulation, followed by a discussion of the impact and intersection of poverty and racism. The AADM team will facilitate this discussion and utilize the Oxfam Hunger Banquet® simulation to help Athens community members see poverty and hunger in a new way. With world hunger on the rise, this experiential event brings a personal perspective to a staggering global crisis.

WHAT: On October 27th, the Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement will be hosting a Poverty and Racism Discussion and Oxfam Hunger Banquet®, an interactive experience that teaches guests about poverty, food distribution and hunger throughout the world. We also encourage attendees to bring a canned food item and donations for mothers in need.

WHEN: 2:30 – 5:00 pm  (FREE and open to the general public).

WHERE: Athens Clarke County Library 2025 Athens, Ga 30606

WHY: Athens Clarke County has a 38% poverty rate, lacks affordable housing, and the majority of those living in poverty are in the black and brown community. The Oxfam Hunger Banquets® have helped people understand the reality of poverty and hunger for over 40 years at thousands of events attended by more 875,000 people around the country. Before the event, guests draw tickets at random that assign each to a high-, middle-, or low-tier based on current statistics of people living in poverty. Each income tier receives a meal that corresponds to their income level. The high-income tier is served a sumptuous meal; the middle-income section eats a simpler meal of rice and beans, and the low-income tier receives rice and water.

By attending this event, attendees will learn more about the intersection of poverty and racism and how to tackle the systems, policies, and practices that keep people trapped in poverty. About 80 percent of the world’s hungry people work as farmers, herders, fishers or laborers in rural communities. In these parts of the developing world, women are often responsible for the majority of food production, despite having restricted access to markets, land and credit. Hunger Banquets® bring these issues into communities across the nation to address the importance of building a better food system. This event is funded in part by a grant from Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) that is managed by Global Ubuntu LLC.

To register for this event please fill out the form below. Must RSVP. Limited space is available.

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