Community Partners & Sponsors

United Universalist Fellowship of Athens (UUFA)
The vision of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens, Georgia, is to be a beacon of liberal religion and spirituality in Northeast Georgia.  Guided by our Unitarian Universalist principles, our light will shine more brightly as we welcome greater diversity and search for deeper meaning.  By speaking and acting for justice, and modeling sustainable stewardship of personal and earth resources, we strive to transform our world. 
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens, Georgia, is a caring congregation of diverse peoples, ages, backgrounds, and beliefs. 

Our purpose is to support our members and to commit deeply to our shared Unitarian Universalist principles by worshiping, playing, and exploring life’s meaning together, thus promoting love and justice in our larger community and the world.  Visit UUFA at

Flicker Theatre & Bar
Flicker Theatre & Bar is a cozy venue with a full bar for live music, independent films, art shows & other creative events. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram to see their upcoming events.
As a 2023 sponsor of the AADM, Flicker Theatre & Bar is committed to racial and social justice, equity, and diversity & inclusion.

BikeAthens works to build equity in transportation. They believe affordable, accessible transportation is a critical component of social and economic mobility. They envision a comprehensive transportation network that all Athenians can use with confidence and ease. Our mission is to promote cycling, walking, and transit as solutions to transportation needs in Athens through education, advocacy, and community service.

Learn more about BikeAthens and how to get involved here:

Oconee Street United Methodist Church (OSUMC)

Oconee Street United Methodist Church is a family of committed Christians who seek to express God’s love to each other and to the community.

They welcome all people regardless of age, color, race, ethnic background, immigration status, economic status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, involvement with the criminal justice system, struggles with addiction, physical and mental challenges, or educational level. They come seeking the healing balm of salvation through Jesus Christ. Learn more here:

Fuel Hot Yoga
Fuel Hot Yoga believes in creating a safe place that includes everyone. No matter your ability, age, size, ethnicity, gender, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, everyone is welcome. By embodying the yogic teachings of Ahimsa, (to do no harm), of Satya, (truthfulness) and Svadhyaya (self-study), they stand with social justice, demand equality, and are committed to doing their part to create an environment of inclusion, equality, and love. It makes no difference where you come from, where you’ve been, or the lifestyle you’ve led; Fuel Hot Yoga needs you, because when yoga belongs to everyone the whole world benefits. For more info, visit

Economic Justice Coalition (EJC)

The Economic Justice Coalition is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Athens, Georgia. Their mission is to educate, advocate and organize for quality jobs with living wages and benefits. The EJC collaborates with AADM on nonpartisan voter registration and voter engagement, living wages/health benefits for workers, and cooperative development. For more info, visit

Indivisible GA 10 (IDGA10)
Indivisible GA 10 is an active group of community-minded citizens from the 20 counties of Georgia US House District 10 advocating to protect our freedoms to preserve democracy. For more info, visit

Dignidad Inmigrante en Athens (DIA)
DIA is an organization whose mission is to create and/or promote spaces for the liberation of the undocumented families living in United States. They seek this liberation through the promotion of culture and through activism. Annually, DIA hosts Latinxfest in downtown Athens, which showcases traditional music, dancing, food and more. For more info, visit

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