Mokah’s Black Girls Read-Avid Bookshop

Athens, Ga – Athens Anti-Discrimination President Mokah Johnson will host the first edition of Black Girls Read at the Prince Avenue Avid Bookshop on May 12 at 11 am. Designed to inspire young girls, the event will open with a reading of Johnson’s recently published, “Spirit of an Activist: Stop Sitting on the Sidelines”, and then transition to a writing workshop that will feature tips on publishing.

With a history of serving the black community of Athens, Johnson will once again use her platform to create a spotlight – to promote black authors across cultural lines, including Caribbean, African, and European writers.

“As an educator, I feel it’s important that we uphold our history and share our experiences with others so that we can learn and grow,” Johnson said.

As is often said, knowledge is power. Join a community of readers on May 12 to uplift black voices and learn more of the rich and magnificent work of writers from across the African Diaspora.

Following this event, AADM monthly meeting and activist mixer will be held 3-5 pm at Little Kings Shuffle. Includes guest Speaker Tabitha Jonhson Green for Congress.

For more information feel free to contact 678 835 8497.


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