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Local Citizen Requests Criminal Probe into ACC Mayor and County Manager

Athens, GA – On June 8, 2021, just before the Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement (AADM) press conference with Athens-Clarke County Internal Auditor Stephanie Maddox, the AADM obtained a copy of a formal request for a criminal investigation into the allegations of official misconduct pertaining to ACC Mayor Kelly Girtz and Manager Blaine Williams. Local ACC resident Dr. Joseph Carter filed the formal request with the District Attorney’s Office as a matter of public concern. See attachment for full request.

Based on documents obtained through the Georgia Open Records Act and additional research, Dr. Carter alleges that Mayor Kelly Girtz and County Manager Blaine Williams engaged in official misconduct by knowingly and willfully abusing their power to interfere coercively with Auditor Maddox’s lawful ORR submitted October 29, 2018 in her official capacity as Internal Auditor [O.C.G.A. §45-11-4(b)(2); O.C.G.A. §50-18-74]. In so doing, such action appears to have established a de facto policy which chilled the Auditor’s ability to submit lawful ORRs and informal requests for information in her official capacity. Consequently, the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government (ACCUG) appears to have violated the Office of Operational Analysis’s right to the inspection of public records pursuant O.C.G.A §50-18-70.

On Tuesday, June 15, 2021 the ACC Commission voted to reappoint Ms. Maddox. The vote was nine ‘yes’ and one ‘no’; Commissioner Allison Wright dissented. The investigation into Ms. Maddox’s EEOC claim is still ongoing. Despite the fact that Ms. Maddox has received an agreement to be reappointed as the County Auditor, after careful consideration, the AADM would like to bring Dr. Carter’s request to the public’s attention. We are deeply troubled by these allegations and hope to see a thorough investigation. District Attorney Deborah Gonzalez was elected based on her commitment to truth and accountability. We respect the District Attorney Office’s decision on how it chooses to proceed with Dr. Carter’s request. The AADM believes that the DA’s Office will look into this matter diligently and urgently.
Featured: ACC Internal Auditor Stephanie Maddox speaks on her experience with Mayor Girtz and County Manager Williams that serves as the basis for her discrimination complaint.

Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement

Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement (AADM) is a grassroots, 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2016 and based in Athens, Georgia. The group aims to combat discrimination through education and activism. For more information visit, their Facebook @AADMovement, or their Twitter and Instagram @aadmovement706

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