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Justice For Jaden Barnett-Student placed in chokehold by his Teacher

*Current Update. June 5th* Tatum re-indicted.

The Athens-Clarke County District Attorney’s office issued a re-indictment May 7, 2024  for Tatum Brock. New and existing evidence was presented to a Grand Jury which resulted in a True Bill. Brock has an arraignment scheduled for Monday, June 10th at 9:00am. The victim’s family is requesting community supporters attend all court proceedings. The arraignment will be held at the ACC Courthouse.

UPDATE: May 6th, the family was informed by the District Attorney office that Brockton Tatum would be re-indicted. He will go back in front of the grand jury.

“On March 19, “Grand jury declines to indict Athens teacher accused of placing student in chokehold.”-Classic City News. Despite the verdict, the Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement (AADM) hosted a rally on May 9th, 2024, at the Athens Court House 325 E Washington St to show support for Jaden Barnett.

On November 30th, Jaden was placed in a chokehold by his teacher, Brockton Tatum, at W.R. Coile Middle School. April 22nd, Classic City News reported that the grand jury issued a “No Bill of Indictment” because there was not enough evidence to warrant a criminal prosecution. Despite the video evidence, the physical and emotional distress caused by Brockton Tatum, sadly he has not been held accountable in the court of law. 


1.  For Brockton Tatum to be held accountable in the court of law.

2 For Tatum Brockton teaching license to be terminated. 

3. CCDS to provide a better support system and communication for students harmed on campus.

We need community support to ensure that protections are put in place so this does not happen again to another student. 

Complete the form below to show your support and to stay up to date with Jaden Barnetts case.

The aim of the Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement (AADM) is to dismantle patterns of discrimination and systemic racism by promoting fair policy reforms, opposing mass incarceration, and challenging historically detrimental practices that have impeded the progress of people of color.”

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