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June 3oth-End School To Prison Pipeline Summit & For Akheem Movie Premier

After a school fight lands 17-year-old Daje Shelton in a court-supervised alternative high school, she's determined to turn things around and make a better future for herself in her rough St. Louis neighborhood. Through Daje’s intimate coming-of- age story, For Ahkeem illuminates challenges that many Black teenagers face in America today.

In 2016, Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement (AADM) launched its End School to Prison Pipeline Program to help prevent children/teens from entering or to break free from the prison system. Our goal is to push back against zero-tolerance policies and promote education not incarceration. So join us June 30th, 2018, 1-4 pm, for the AADM “End School To Prison Pipeline Summit & For Akheem the Movie,” at East Athens Community Center 400 McKinley Dr, Athens, GA 30601.

For Ahkeem showcases the often-overlooked story of just one Black teenage girl, and her friends and family, their experiences are not uncommon within many communities across the United States. Through this glimpse into their lives, we gain insight about the intersection of a number of urgent national issues: the countless number of students being forced out of school and into the justice system, the racial disparities in discipline that lead to Black students being expelled or suspended three times as often as White students, and the ways that traumatic experiences can negatively influence academic achievement.

So join us for a family movie and a community conversation.

1 pm Doors Open

1:30 pm Movie begins

3:00 pm Community Discussion

3:30 pm Program Registration and Giveaway’s

All ages, no cost, and general public welcomed to attend. For information contact  706 389-4129


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