Justice for Black Lives Demands

2020 Justice for Black Live Demands:

  1. Remove the Confederate monument and replace it with a representation of the future and unity of Athens.
  2. Stop the passage of HB838, the police “bill of rights.”
  3. Ban the use of tear gas.
  4. Ban choke-holds and strangle holds.
  5. Require police officers to give a warning before they shoot.
  6. Require that officers have a duty to intervene to stop another officer from using excessive force.
  7. Require deescalation and a force continuum.
  8. Require that officers exhaust all other reasonable means before resorting to deadly force.
  9. Require that officers report each time they use force or threaten to use force against civilians.
  10. Establish a meaningful community police advisory board by August 2020.
  11. Demand that law enforcement officers are removed from the school system.
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