AADM Never Again-March For Lives youth trip to Washington DC-Donate
AADM supports the #neveragainmovement and will take ten minority/African American students ages (13-17) to Washington DC to participate in March…
Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement
Fighting against discrimination. Advocating for racial and social justice through education and activism.
The AADM offers the End the School To Prison Pipeline Mentorship and Teen Social Justice Program and various opportunities to help empower today’s youth. We aim to cultivate future leaders, reduce juvenile incarceration rates, and drop out rates. To promote education, not incarceration.
AADM supports the #neveragainmovement and will take ten minority/African American students ages (13-17) to Washington DC to participate in March…
For Immediate Release AADM End Of The Year Recap2017 -Stroll Down Memory Lane Athens, Ga – With 2018 rapidly approaching,…