Site icon Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement

2023 Community Survey on Policing and Public Safety

As we continue our work in justice reform advocacy, AADM wants to hear from the People in Athens on your experiences with police/law enforcement in Athens and what YOU want to see change. Please fill out this form so that we can work to improve public safety in our community. Your responses will be anonymous. AADM will be the only group to have access to it and we will be using it as raw data to demonstrate the community’s feelings on policing and public safety. Your responses will be kept private and secure.

The demographic below is optional.

Which one best describes you?

What age range best describes you?

How many encounters have you had with the Athens Police Department?(required)

How many of those experiences have been positive? Negative? Neutral? Elaborate on any experiences below.

Has anyone in your family been stopped, questioned, or apprehended by A-C County police?(required)

If yes to the above question, how would you describe the police’s behavior toward the individual?

I feel safe around Law enforcement officers in Athens.(required)

I feel that the Athens Law Enforcement has my best interests in mind.(required)

Athens Law Enforcement does a good job of keeping our community safe.(required)

The Athens Law Enforcement treats people in this community fairly.(required)

The Athens Law Enforcement is responsive to members of this community.(required)

How do you think most people in your own community view the Athens Clarke County Police?(required)

If you think that ACC County police could improve their relationships with your community, which ideas listed below do you agree with? (Check all that apply)

DO YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT Athens-Clarke County Public Safety Civilian Oversight Board, established to provide a permanent citizen’s oversight regarding law enforcement?(required)

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