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AADM Statement on M&C’s termination of Stephanie Maddox


September 29, 2021

AADM Statement on M&C’s termination of Stephanie Maddox 

On the evening of September 24, 2021, the Athens-Clarke County Mayor and Commission convened a special called session to fire Internal Auditor Stephanie Maddox. And fire her they did. In an 8-0 vote, Commissioners Patrick Davenport (District 1), Mariah Parker (District 2), Melissa Link (District 3), Allison Wright (District 4), Tim Denson (District 5), Jesse Houle (District 6), Russell Edwards (District 7), and Carol Myers (District 8) all voted to fire Ms. Maddox. Commissioners Ovita Thornton (District 9) and Mike Hamby (10) were noticeably absent. 

Since May 2021, the Athens Anti-Discrimination Movement (AADM) has proudly advocated (1) that the Mayor and Commission conduct a fair and timely internal investigation into Ms. Maddox’s 2020 workplace discrimination complaints and (2) for an investigation into allegations of interference with Ms. Maddox’s 2018 Open Records Request. To date, the Mayor and Commission has not honored these demands. Despite the fact they have fired Ms. Maddox, our demands and expectations are steadfast that the ACC Internal Auditor’s office be fully funded and fully independent. 

We are particularly disturbed by the timing of Ms. Maddox’s termination. She was terminated two months after her re-appointment and prior to the completion of the investigation. Just one day prior to the Mayor and Commission’s special called meeting the AADM launched its Athens Accountability Project which proposes new legislation to restructure the internal auditor’s office. The next day, Ms. Maddox was fired. While the Mayor and Commission have not stated its reasons for Ms. Maddox’s termination, Athenians deserve answers and  clarity as to the timing and reasons for Ms. Maddox  sudden termination. Additionally, in this Flagpole article local citizen and community advocate, Michael Smith raises serious concerns about a long history of hostility towards Ms. Maddox and her office that need to be addressed publicly. 

AADM will move forward with its advocacy for the ACC Internal Auditor’s office because Athenians deserve to have direct control over our auditor’s office through an independent Audit and Accountability Commission. The Athens Accountability Project initiative will hold several public townhalls in October and November to educate the public about internal auditing and why the ACC Auditor’s office needs restructuring. AADM is particularly concerned that following Ms. Maddox’s termination, the future auditor may encounter similar interference if these issues are not addressed. The public should continue to demand audits on the departments Ms. Maddox has previously recommended. And Athenians should continue to ask questions because we deserve to know where our money goes. This is the work Athens Accountability Project initiative will pursue for all Athenians. 

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