9d’s Bar will be held accountable for dress code violation

One year ago, Kendrick Bullock bravely stood up against discrimination when he believed his civil rights were violated at 9d’s Bar in Athens. This was the first discrimination complaint filed under the new alcohol ordinance that was challenged by a bar owner. The U.S. District Court took up the case after the owner’s challenge. Advocates from AADM continued to fight by bringing awareness to the ongoing issue of discrimination in downtown Athens, and through perseverance and community support, justice prevailed.

9d’s Bar Agrees to Disposition of Dress Code Violation (click here to read back story)

FOR RELEASE Dec 7, 2018– The owner of 9d’s bar, Bellewis, Inc., has agreed to a disposition of an administrative action against the bar. The resulting consent order requires that the 9d’s bar license be suspended for two days and placed on probation for 12 months and that the licensee pay a $350 fine. Additionally, the order specifies that 9d’s bar:

  • provide the Administrative Hearing Office (AHO) copies of all written dress
    codes that have been in effect from June 2017 until December 5, 2018 (and
    any changes to dress codes that occur from that time during the term of
  • develop and implement written policies providing for non-discriminatory
    application of any dress code and screening of customers by employees
  • require that each employee of the licensee sign an acknowledgment that he
    or she has read and understood such policies
  • make such written acknowledgments available for inspection by representatives of the Athens-Clarke County Police Department or Attorney’s Office, and that the Attorney’s office has the right to object to the terms of such written policies and may request that the AHO schedule a hearing to hear such objections.

This action against 9d’s bar arose from a citizen complaint regarding the bar’s enforcement of a purported, unposted dress code in violation of the Athens Clarke County Government alcoholic beverages ordinance. The incident happened April 1, 2017, and the administrative notice was served on the corporate owner June 19, 2017. The owner then challenged the dress code ordinance on constitutional grounds in the Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County, and ACCGov removed the case to U.S. District Court. ACCGov then moved to dismiss, and District Court Judge Clay Land dismissed the suit earlier this year. Following the dismissal, the parties began preparing for a hearing before the AHO, which led to the resolution of the case by the consent order.

ACCUG Attorney Bill Berryman states, “The Attorney’s Office stands ready to investigate all claims of violations of the ordinance and pursue violations before the Administrative Hearing Officer.” Local attorney Greg Sowell represented the Unified Government in the federal litigation. AADM recognizes Sowell’s excellent job defending the ordinance against the constitutional challenge.

AADM will continue to advocate for citizens’ rights and provide training for change in 2019. A Diversity and Inclusion strategic planning workshop will be held January 26, 2019, from 9:30-1:00 pm, location TBA. For more info: email athensantidiscrimination@gmail.com.

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